
Popcorn Cake

Strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups, mini marshmallows, 4 cake mixes, 5lbs of homemade butter-cream frosting and a little imagination. This cake was made for my oldest son's movie themed party.

All it takes to make this amazing marshmallow popcorn is a little time, patients and a bit of faith in yourself. Grab a pair of kitchen scissors, wax paper, a bag of white mini marshmallows and a can of yellow Wilton Color Mist Food Color Spray (most grocery stores carry it on the baking isle).

Make two cuts in the top of the marshmallow to form an "X". The cuts should go into the marshmallow about half way down. Don't worry if it's not perfect.... popcorn isn't uniform. Open the X slightly if the marshmallow doesn't mushroom out by itself. Place it on a sheet of wax paper with the cut side up. Continue until you feel you have enough for your project.

Shake your can of Color Mist very well... it really does make a difference. Then try a practice spray on a piece of wax paper. Practicing will help you learn to control the spray. Lightly spray the tops of all of your marshmallows. You'll notice as you spray the tops it will slightly cover the sides as well. You don't want your marshmallows to be completely covered in yellow, just enough to look like butter. If the first spray wasn't dark enough for your liking lightly spray the marshmallows again. Then wait a few minutes for them to completely dry and they're ready to use.

Simple right?!? Now it's up to you to think of all the ways you can use your impressive marshmallow popcorn making skills. Maybe... cupcakes?... April fools day?...

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