
Chocolate Kiss Roses

I love making these super fun and easy roses. My favorite way of using them is for my kiddos teachers on Valentine's Day. I arrange them in a vase with Whoppers, tying it with a bow and adding a card that reads; You're a "Whopper" of a teacher... Thanks a "Bunch"!

To get started you'll need: clear, pink or white cellophane - wooden skewers - a bag of chocolate kisses (if you're using clear cellphane be sure to buy the pink or red wrapped kisses) - glue dots - green florist tape - green tissue paper and a pair of scissors

You will want to prepare buy cutting as many 5" x 5" squares of cellophane and tissue paper as you would like to make roses. The scissors will slide across the cellophane making the job easy to accomplish in no time.

Attach a glue dot to the bottom of a chocolate kiss. Then attach a second kiss so that two kisses are adhered together on the flat sides. This will make the rose bud shape.

Place the rose bud shaped kisses in the center of a precut 5"x5" piece of cellophane. Wrap the cellophane around the kisses bringing it down the sides so the edges all meet at the bottom point of one end of the kiss.

Place a skewer next to the point of the kiss and twist the cellophane around it tightly.

Place the florist tape at the point of the kiss and wrap it around the kiss point, cellophane and skewer. Wrap it tightly. The trick to florist tape is pulling it tightly. It will stretch making it adhere to itself and give you a tight hold. Once you feel your kisses are securely attached begin wrapping the florist tape downward at an angle.

Next take a piece of the precut 5"x 5" tissue paper. Scrunch it up at the bottom corner leaving the top open as seen in the above picture.

Place the scrunched up corner against the skewer as shown above. Wrap the florist tape around it and the skewer.

Continue to wrap the skewer until you've reached the bottom.

And there you go! See... super easy. You can totally do this!

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